
Q1 2024 – A Quarter in Review

As the first quarter of 2024 draws to a close, I wanted to put up a review of what has been going on so both for myself, and for others to understand what the life of a business owner can look like sometimes. January – Review, Planning and Rocket Fuel I always take the first week or two of January to conduct a full review of the previous year. As it happened, this year I was in Norway until the 7th for my father-in-law’s birthday, which gave me plenty of time to think about the year that had passed. 2023 was in many ways a very successful year for myself and for my company. At work we hit record revenue and profitability, have an awesome growth pipeline planned out across product and distribution, purchased an office and warehouse space, and held one hell of a Christmas party for everyone we know! Personally, similar vibes. Guro and I are happy, we bought a new apartment and got the reform underway before we move in, I completed UTMB in the summer, went on some awesome trips around the world and spent lots of time with family and friends. Really a good year

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Mastering Finance: Strategies for Retail Business Owners

Retail businesses are complex, multi-faceted operations with virtually unlimited metrics you can track, but which ones are the most important for you to track?  Establishing a Solid Financial Foundation: To master finance in retail, it is crucial to start with a strong financial foundation. This includes the basics, like having the correct business bank accounts set up (not all are created equal!), a bookkeeping software for tracking sales and expenses (preferably one that links to your Point of Sale system), and an internal system for keeping accurate financial records. The true base of mastering finance is to set up the correct information and data flow which enable you to work systematically through your financial position. Before starting, make sure you’ve got these basics covered.  Budgeting for Success: Most people will tell you “developing a comprehensive budget is essential for effective financial management”, and I am here to tell you that they are only 50% right. The truth is, almost all forecasts we make are wrong 2 days after we have made them. This means that we have two options, try to fit our reality to the budget or be willing to have a rolling and flexible budget which matches reality.

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My Principles for Life

In life it is the decisions you make which will shape your future. But when faced with a difficult decision, how do you decide which course of action to take? Personally, I have a set of principles that guide the actions in my life. If something I am doing doesn’t fit in with one of these principles then it needs to be cut.  Think of yourself as a ship sailing on a foggy day with low visibility. The principles are the map and compass that you use to plot your course and avoid danger when you have a hard time seeing where to go. Some decisions are easy. Many times it is obvious if something will be good or bad for you. If it fits in with your life or not. Others it is hard, and especially in these times, it is useful to have some concepts to run things by.  The guiding principles that I am using in my life are as follows:  Set Long Term Goals Having goals and a long term focus is crucial. This is the load baring structure that enables the framework of principles to grow strong. In economics we are taught, “in the long

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The Power of Compounding

Compound Interest. It’s a simple idea. Leave a dollar in an account which pays interest. Say 10% (we all know that a 10% interest account doesn’t exist right now, but still). Come back next year and you will have $1.10. Forget about it for another year and suddenly you are earning 10% of $1.10 and not $1. By the end of year two you have earned an extra $0.11, vs $0.10 the first year. Incredible right?! I know it doesn’t sound very impressive. But let me explain.  Where time is your friend. With compound interest, time is your friend. You may have heard the story of the king and the chess playing sage that goes a little like this:  A great king who loved chess travelled across the land to meet a chess playing sage. In order to motivate the sage to play a game with him, the king offered any reward the sage could want. The sage asked only for a few grains of rice distributed in the following way. If he won, the king was to place a single grain of rice on the first square of the chess board on day one. On day two he was

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